Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Artist

Addie giving art instructions :-) She has recently fallen in love with painting. She also is super into the season of fall.  Here she is painting a pumpkin and picture right before Erin, Luca and Roberto arrive for Luca's first visit.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Big Sis

Addie has recently taken an interest in feeding Sam and is quite the little helper. And Sam LOVES it! Her favorite foods are rasberries and chicken.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Renaissance Festival

Sam konked out and sweet as ever after the festival.

Addie dancing in her gorgeous dress handmade for her third birthday by Marianna.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Hangin' Out with Monk

Addie's faithful friend, Monk, is now hanging out with mom while Addie is at Lynnie's house. This is a big developmental milestone in the Johns family as Addie has always had monkey by her side! She announced she was ready to leave him at home. He still gets good lovin' in at night though.