Wednesday, September 5, 2018

It was funner than I thought

Our little sweet heart seemed to have some mixed feelings about preschool as the start date got closer. This was a little surprising at first, given her months of excitement and counting down until she got to go to SCHOOL. After some hesitation early this morning, she got her grove on and had fun making a  rainbow sign together and talking with daddy on speaker as we waited our turn in the drop off line. My heart melted when she got in the car tonight and said, "Mama, it was even funner than I thought it would be. I didn't think it could be too good since you weren't going to be there."

Friday, July 20, 2018

Squid dissection

Camp Beagle 2018 —- first time all Johns girls together at the same summer camp and with their cousins ta bout! Samantha and Addie were thrilled to do squid dissection a second year. Samantha went on to explain that the squid babies were inside of the squid’s Octapussy!” Perfect understanding :-)

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Like You

We were sitting at the pool tonight enjoying dinner with friends and Samantha came up, eager to share! (We’ve been working really hard on not interrupting so I was really hoping there was a good reason for her arrival within the “adult”’conversation.) She was just beaming, clutching her Land of  Stories book 3 to her chest. “Mom and Dad, someone just came up to me saying you really are like your sister. You love to read too!” It was just the sweetest moment. She’s happy to be like her sister and happy to be known as a book lover and happy to admit all of this. I love seeing sweet Sam settled and she’s fallen in love with reading.