Monday, April 4, 2016

WHO made that?

Ellie is in that delightful stage where she is discovering and processing the world around her as if she is truly SEEING things for the first time. The other day on our way to Lynnie's early in the morning, and the day after the time change, she saw the sun round and bright and just on the horizon and exclaimed, "Wow. That's beautiful. WHO made that??!!" I searched for the best answer and decided on "Mother Earth. God. Nature. The Universe. Magic. I don't know."

New questions keep popping up, and I do my best to provide answers or multiple answers depending on the complexity of the question and my own knowledge base (AACK. Why does it rain exactly? Need to look that up.).

Her pure joy, curiosity and awe bring me to my own spirituality and sense of what is good and right in the world.

So, it was pretty sweet to receive this email from Lynnie today-- BTW we are still trying to figure out why I am purple mama. She calls me that all the time. Her word for dark brown hair? My aura?

So the sky came up in conversation again this morn:) Ellie points out towards the street so I didn't immediately catch on and asks "who made that?" So once we established it was the sky we were discussing I return the question to her. I said hmmm, who do you think made the sky? She says I have to talk to my purple Mama. She's Jessica and she's purple and she tells me who makes the sky:) Then walked away:)

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